Bliss Blog

The Perfect Routine for White Teeth-Bliss Oral Care
Have you heard that the best way to keep healthy white teeth is to follow a good oral hygiene routine? Do-it-yourself (DIY) or take home oral care and teeth whitening kits are trending and here to stay. The advent of...
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What is The Difference: Teeth Cleaning vs. Teeth Whitening-Bliss Oral Care
“Teeth whitening” and “teeth cleaning” are often misconstrued dental terminology whose meaning may cause confusion. They can be seen as interchangeable procedures and are often mistakenly referred to as the same.   It is important to draw a distinction between the...
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Teeth Whitening Strips: Do They Remove Plaque? An In-depth Analysis by Bliss Oral Care You've seen them in stores and advertisements—teeth whitening strips promising a brighter smile. But can they do more? Specifically, can they remove the plaque that dental...
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How to Whiten Your Teeth Without Damaging Them-Bliss Oral Care
Eating certain foods, drinking coffee, smoking, and the natural aging process of our teeth all collude together in helping discolour our teeth.   Teeth whitening is safe and effective, but using teeth whitening products incorrectly can lead to permanent teeth damage. ...
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Do Teeth Whitening Kits Actually Work?-Bliss Oral Care
Imagine meeting up with friends or family members for the holidays or a big event.  How amazing would it be to have one of them stop you and say “Your teeth look amazing!  Where did you get them whitened?” It’s...
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Teeth whitening strips. We have all seen them at our local grocery stores, watched advertisements on the television professing their effectiveness, or have had our dentists recommend them - while moving on with our lives, and forgetting to use them. ...
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Professional Teeth Whitening - Is it Worth It?-Bliss Oral Care
Home remedy hacks or DIY methods for teeth whitening are all the rage now.  As they should be.  There are many proven methods in which people are whitening their teeth, avoiding the expensive professional teeth whitening visits to their dentist. ...
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