Will Teeth Whitening Strips Work on Fillings?

Will Teeth Whitening Strips Work on Fillings?

Wondering if teeth whitening strips can brighten fillings? The short answer: no. Since fillings are made of materials that don't respond to whitening agents in the same way as natural tooth enamel, the strips usually won't change their colour. However, this article will explore this topic in more depth, examining the effectiveness of whitening treatments on various dental restorations, including fillings, crowns, and veneers. Keep reading to uncover more insights and considerations for achieving a brighter smile.

Understanding Teeth Whitening.

Natural teeth whitened because the peroxide agents effectively target and reduce discoloration within the enamel. Achieving whiter teeth through these treatments can boost confidence and improve the overall appearance of your smile.

Beyond aesthetics, teeth whitening can improve oral health by motivating individuals to adopt better hygiene practices. It can lead to reduced risk of gum disease and tooth decay, as people are more inclined to brush and floss regularly to maintain their bright smiles.

Psychologically, a whiter smile can enhance social interactions and opportunities, as it is often perceived as a sign of health, success, and attractiveness. This can contribute to improved mental well-being and quality of life.

When is the Best Time to Whiten Teeth

Like fillings, dental crowns and veneers made from ceramic, porcelain, or composite resin do not respond to whitening treatments. As a result, patients with these restorations may notice uneven whitening results, with natural teeth becoming whiter than the restored teeth.

It's generally recommended to whiten your teeth before getting new fillings, crowns, or other dental restorations. This approach allows the dentist to match the colour of the new restorations to your newly whitened teeth, ensuring a uniform appearance.

After whitening, there should be a waiting period to allow for the colour to stabilise before adding fillings or making other restorations. Always consult with your dentist for personalised advice and to plan your treatments effectively.

Dissolving Whitening Strips

Dissolving Whitening Strips are a modern convenience in teeth whitening, designed to be used on the go without the need for removal or rinsing. These strips are made of a thin, flexible material that adheres to the teeth and gradually dissolves within minutes, releasing whitening agents to brighten the teeth.

Key Features:

  • Self-Dissolving: The primary feature of dissolving whitening strips is their ability to dissolve completely in the mouth, leaving no residue behind. This makes them exceptionally convenient for users with busy lifestyles or for those who require a quick whitening touch-up.
  • Milder Whitening Effect: Given their shorter application time and the nature of the formulation, dissolving whitening strips like that in Bliss Oral Care  typically offer a milder whitening effect. They are ideal for maintaining the brightness of your smile between more intensive treatments.
  • Ease of Use: Dissolving whitening strips eliminate the need for a post-treatment cleanup process, making them highly user-friendly and perfect for whitening teeth anywhere, at any time.

Best For:

  • Individuals looking for a quick and convenient whitening solution.
  • Those seeking to maintain their whitening results without committing to a lengthy treatment process.
  • Users who prefer a no-mess, hassle-free whitening option.

Leave-In Whitening Strips

Leave-In Whitening Strips are designed for more intensive whitening treatments. They are applied to the teeth and left in place for a specific period, typically ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the product's formulation. These strips use a potent whitening gel that works to remove deeper stains and discoloration.

Key Features:

  • Intensive Whitening: With a higher concentration of whitening agents and a longer application time, leave-in strips are capable of delivering more dramatic whitening results. They are effective at targeting stubborn stains, including those caused by coffee, tea, and tobacco.
  • Non-Slip Design: Leave-in whitening strips often feature a non-slip grip, allowing them to stay securely in place during the treatment period. This ensures that the whitening gel remains in consistent contact with the teeth for optimal results.
  • Application Process: Unlike dissolving strips, leave-in whitening strips require manual removal after the treatment duration is complete. This necessitates a brief cleanup, usually involving rinsing the mouth to remove any remaining gel.

Best For:

  • Individuals seeking significant whitening results and are willing to commit to the treatment duration.
  • Users with noticeable teeth discoloration looking for a potent at-home whitening solution.
  • Those who are planning a whitening regimen ahead of time and can allocate the required treatment period.

Best Teeth Whitening Products to Use With Whitening Strips 

Whitening Primer Toothpaste

Whitening Primer Toothpaste is designed to prep teeth for whitening treatments. Unlike regular toothpaste, it's formulated without fluoride to avoid interfering with the whitening process. It contains micro polishers that gently buff the tooth surface, removing superficial stains and smoothing the enamel. This preparation helps teeth whitening strips work more effectively.


  • Enhances the effectiveness of whitening strips by priming the tooth surface.
  • The Whitening Primer Toothpaste provides a deep clean that removes surface stains, contributing to overall whiter teeth.
  • Safe for daily use and helps maintain oral hygiene while preparing teeth for whitening.

Sonic Whitening Toothbrush

Sonic whitening toothbrushes use sonic vibrations to clean teeth. It can produce up to 40,000 vibrations per minute, driving toothpaste and water deep between teeth and along the gum line for an exceptional clean. Its design often includes multiple brushing modes, including one specifically for whitening.


  • Offers a superior clean that can reduce plaque, minimise staining, and enhance gum health.
  • The sonic whitening mode specifically targets surface stains for a brighter smile.
  • Regular use of sonic teeth whitening toothbrushes can help maintain the results from whitening strips by preventing new stains from forming.

Breath Spray

Breath spray is designed for freshening breath on the go. High-quality breath sprays are alcohol-free and may contain xylitol to prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth, along with other ingredients like vitamin E to promote gum health.


  • Instantly breath spray freshens breath, making it a perfect complement to a whitening routine.
  • The antibacterial properties help maintain oral hygiene, indirectly supporting the whitening process.
  • Breath spray is portable and easy to use, it ensures fresh breath anytime, enhancing the overall feeling of cleanliness and confidence.

Strategies for a Uniformly White Smile

Prioritising Oral Health

Maintaining excellent oral health is crucial. Regular visits to the dentist for checkups and cleanings can help prevent tooth discoloration and ensure that dental restorations remain in good condition.

Consulting with a Dentist

For those considering teeth whitening but concerned about the impact on dental fillings and restorations, consulting with a dentist is essential. They can offer personalised advice and recommend treatments that match your oral health needs and cosmetic goals.

Alternative Whitening Options

For patients with dental restorations, alternative options such as veneers, dental bonding, or replacement of old restorations to match newly whitened natural teeth may be considered. These methods can help achieve a uniform tooth colour and a brighter smile.


The optimal time to whiten your teeth is before receiving dental fillings, ensuring a seamless match between your natural tooth colour and the fillings. For effective and rapid teeth whitening solutions, Bliss Oral Care offers a comprehensive range of products, including the Sonic Whitening Toothbrush, Teeth Whitening Primer Toothpaste, and various whitening strips such as leave-on and dissolvable options, catering to all your pre-filling whitening needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will teeth whitening strips work on fillings? No, whitening strips and other peroxide-based treatments do not change the colour of dental fillings or other restorations.

How can I achieve a uniformly white smile if I have white fillings or crowns? Discuss with your dentist about options such as replacing old restorations or exploring cosmetic treatments like veneers.

Are there any risks associated with teeth whitening? Sensitivity is a common side effect, but using products as directed and under dental supervision minimises risks.

Can natural tooth enamel be damaged by whitening treatments? When used appropriately, whitening treatments are safe for natural teeth. Always follow product instructions and your dentist's advice.